Youth Hockey Yard sale, My father always worried about, .and trips to the Urgent Care

The morning started out early enough, the alarm struck its annoying "Get up" tones at 6:40 a.m. Took off to help set up at the Youth Hockey Yard Sale at 7:05 with a bucket o' coffee in tow. What is this...Sgt Spark isn't even home and still hockey draws me out of bed early on the weekend! Yikes!

Arrived and helped folks empty their cars of stuff for sale, as well as assisted with merchandising the stuff on tables, etc. Mr. Oz and Little Yard Saler showed up just as the sale opened at 8:30. Made sure that everything was in order and that there were enough volunteers to continue throughout the day, and headed of with the Oz Family for a McD's breakfast.

Arrived home at around 9:30 and decided to try to finish a book I had been reading. (Had to..before starting the latest Harry Potter tome). Left little destructo boy and daddy in the great room to head to a quiet room where the book could be finished quickly. Soon I heard a cry from Daddy...."Little one..I am gonna rip your face off". Wandered in to see what was going on. Seems little one got a hold of a soda and had dumped it on the glass topped coffee table. I picked up shortie mcdumper while Dad worked on cleaning the table. Of course...some of the soda had immediately "osmosis-ized" between the glass and the wood underneath. (to my siblings...yes this is THE coffee table from our know what I am talking about regarding the liquid getting in there).

So...Mr. Oz knows that the glass has to come off and the wood wiped down and cleaned. He picks up the oval glass piece, and it promptly shatters in his hands. The smaller shard drops to the table and the larger shard (over half the glass) was still in Oz's hands. Unfortunately, the fracture (most likely stress related!) occurred right where Mr. Oz was holding it, so the corners of each of the fractured sides immediately cut into the palms of his hands. (My Father always worried that the kids and/or grandkids would get hurt on the glass on this table...little did he would be his son in law!). Mr. Oz runs for towels to stem the bleeding, I slam little pop spiller into his "circle of fun", and assess the injury, and determine that we are now in for a trip to the Urgent Care center.

Off we go...arriving back home an hour later with Mr. Oz's hand (one) bandaged. Luckily, the cuts (between both hands numbering about 7 or 8) were not that deep; with the one hand being cut approximately down his "life line". That one required the medical attention, but luckily, no stitches. I then proceeded to clean up the glass, including the minute shards that seemed to be everywhere near the table...while Mr. Oz had to sit and watch (the way the hand was bandaged...he couldn't grab the pieces).

So...I will not have assistance tomorrow at the Youth Hockey rink clean up (he is under the "keep it clean and dry" order from the Doc..and the "clean up" is a construction cleanup, so...he can't assist). Of course....that means he also can't do dishes, etc. Yea me....(wait....I do the dishes..)

Are ya getting the impression that there is never a dull moment? Me too.


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