So what do you do when there is a Vacation Day...

So what do you do when Mom is on vacay, the Prince is off of school, and the King is running around like crazy getting into EVERYTHING? You totally, totally, totally...start an art project to keep them occupied! SOOOOOOO...

Out came the watercolors...paper...and in came running the King yelling "PAINT PAINT" .... that of course brought a thirteen year old prince who...although way too cool to partake in silliness....couldn't resist the lure of an art brush and a blank piece of paper......

The kids had a ball.... Posted by Picasa


Carol P. said…
Just wait 'til next year when King is big enough to glue sequins on construction paper (they're still a bit tricky to get apart for his age). Prince can have a ball making pictures (or words, since King won't be able read...) while King spends his time gluing randomly. Easy entertainment for hours, especially if you add in feathers and gems and pompoms and stickers...

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