So what else is new.....

T'was a busy busy weekend, what with a winged hockey player who still wanted to attend his out of town game, and a Superbowl Party for about 15 guests plus the Oz family. (Yea Steelers!).

Between cleaning, shopping, and cooking, as well as chasing a little toddler around who made every attempt to "get involved" with everything he isn't allowed to get the picture.

Also add to the fun, that the Oz family computer crashed (okay..the computer didn't crash..the monitor puked...I have to say...we had 7 long years with this big grey dog...not too bad given the heck it was put through!)and you can understand why there have been no posts since last week. (Thanks Prince for the use of your computer to post!)

Thought I would share a pic or two of the kiddos....the Prince wanted to make sure you saw his cast..and the King wanted to make sure you saw his "Cudder Cudder" Here is what the Prince looks like on a regular basis (he is sitting on the lower stairs in front of the gate that we use to keep the King down in the family room, rather than up the spiral staircase playing in the 4th floor playroom!). The all of his sadness......casted and bummed that there is no hockey in his direct future.....awwwwwww.......

Doesn't it just break your heart to see a downtrodden teenager, casted, and just sooooooooo bummed that he can't stand it?! Here he is leaning through the railing... just looking for something to do........something that doesn't involve the ol' left wing (wait...isn't he a defenseman tee hee)

WAIT..don't feel too bad for him...he was just "acting!" for the is what he truly normally looks like.........

and as far a something to do......he reallly doesn't have any problem finding anything to do...

as evidenced by his harrassment of his brother.......



thanks for your help family and I can Cudder

Cudder in peace.....


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