In the Merry Old Land of Oz

Tried several times over the past week to blog, but was unable to get either text or images to load. Noted over on my big sis' blog that she was having image upload problems and figured that blogspot was having a little snarky fit....

So.....things here have been humming along merrily. The week has flown by...with me STILL fighting pieces and parts of the nasties...of course, the cold has settled into my the week has been a rather silent one! (Yea!)

The hockey season officially closed out last evening with an all league banquet. It was a very nice affair..and the kids seemed to enjoy it. Of course, the prince and one of his teammates connived to ensure that the Prince would be spending the night elsewhere..which meant we arrived with two kids..and came home with one. Got a call this p.m. (figuring we were going to come pick him up soon) to tell us that he, his teammate and his teammates parents were off to see David Copperfield tonight....and could he spend the night again. Sigh. Teenagers.

Today was spent with me sleeping a lot (I tell ya..I am bound and determined to kill this cold THIS weekend!) and then a quick trip to the mall to see the sights. Nothing exciting...but it was still pretty tiring for the sleepy me!

Will post pics of the banquet tomorrow....for now..I am off to bed!!!!


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