People say...

People say that God doesn't ever talk to them....I think they just aren't listening sometimes!

We are home this weekend rather than being the wandering family. Tuesday, Mr. Oz caught a cold. Wednesday, his back seized up on him, yesterday, the rear tire on his car decided to throw a belt (so the thought was to take the Van), then last night major (and I mean major) storms were comin through the drive path of the Oz family so the decision was to wait until this morning to leave. Up at 5, all packed up and ready to go at 7:00...stop for gas at 7:15....the King tosses his cookies in a HUGE way...all over the back seat of the van.....

and with a sigh..the decision was made to stay home....after all...we had hit most of the car traveling plagues ( trouble)...what was next...Pestilence...locust??!!


DF said…
When God wants you to hear, He brings out the 2 x 4. Sorry to hear the trip got cancelled.
JO said…
Yea...really..a two by four over the head huh! I was telling Dad F "Any one of these coulda cancelled the trip.but we were persevering....until the spew....then it was like "OKAY I GET IT"......
Carol P. said…
Sorry your trip got cancelled, but glad you listened to the hint. Eventually.

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