Instead of one...

Instead of one dr. appt yesterday, the cadet was faced with two! The sleep study was complete and the Dr was ready to review results. Let me tell ya, the cadet is tired of Drs as are his parents! Nothing personal...just way too many in one week!

The good news is...the Cadet is pretty healthy. The Endocrinologist expects that (barring any health issues in the future), the cadet will grow up to be a great adult, and was even willing to make a guesstimate on his height of 5'10" (plus or minus an inch). He said to look for steady growth over the next 6 years. All other systems are fine. The Sleep Doc then reported a mild sleep apnea condition, and suggested a removal of tonsils and adenoids. The ENT will receive the report today, and we will see from there.

So..all in all....4 doc appts and one healthy cadet who was very excited to hear a true estimate of his final height.


Carol P. said…
WOOOHOOOOOOO!!! Great news! I look forward to looking up at the cadet!
DF said…
Things are looking up!
Beth said…
Tell the cadet he'll be taller than Steeeeeevvvvveeeee if he makes it to 5' 10"!!
JO said…
As you can imagine, the cadet was pretty happy. He is sooo all he wants for Christmas is to be 5'10" (I keep reminding him height science isn't could be 5'7, it could be 6'2".....he is just glad it isn't going to be 5' nuthin!). His bone age is suggestive of a 12.5 year old (which is why he gets the kiddie discount everywhere we go!)...which is a great means that he is going to keep a growin!

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