All day wrestling

The king and I spent the better part of yesterday at a Super-Dual all-day wrestling tourney watching the Cadet and his teammates wrestle 5 different schools.

The cadet (shown here in his final match winning by pin) did great, ending the day at 3 and 2. He won by pin and points, and lost both by pin.

The king had a great time paying cars and trucks in the stands, as well as running around watching his "best fends" wrestle, and eating with the team. (As the only team mom within a 90 mile radius...I performed team mom duties providing snacks and food for the wrestlers!).

Oh, and the King also managed to grab my camera, change its settings to b/w (took me forever to turn it off) and take his Momma's pic.

Of course, you also have to have the requisite King Cadet hanging out in the stands...and the King has to make his requisite "I am with my bubby so I have to make a crazy face" picture.

T'was a long day (and I had thought hockey days were long!) and very exhausting (when we got back home around 3, the king took a 4 hour nap, I took a 3 hour nap and the cadet took a 3 hour nap!). But we did have a good time, and I was pleased with the boys performances and attitudes! (They typically lose the matches as a team, as they give up a boatload of points for forfeits in weight classes that they don't have filled!).

Of course, since the tourney was on a Saturday, I didn't get my saturday chores now have a TON to do today. But as many of you know..that is just the life of a Mom!
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