Anyone Ready to take Bets on 2008?

Are you ready to join the betting pool for 2008?

Just give me the number of Copays....dollar values don't count!
(last year was 27K in case you are wondering what the history is!)

Yup! He's "back". The knee took a header in wrestling practice. He is out of commission and on crutches for 4-5 days.

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Carol P. said…
My nephew, the Walt Weiss of Indiana!
meh said…
I'll take 26 copays Alec, for 100. What is, the number of times the Princess will visit the Dr this year? figuring an average of every other week...

you have the patience of a saint. I just bandage them up and send them out. Au took a header on the snow/ice snowboarding last Friday. left a good bit of facial skin on the mountain and sprained a wrist. Bought a brace at CVS along with cocoa butter, mederma, and neosporin. the face is healing quickly. the wrist survived rugby practice sunday and is almost perfect on the piano...go figure.
Beth said…
Wow! I think you topped me in claims for last year and I have a chronic illness and had a baby...
We'll pray that this year is much easier for you guys and that the ER staff doesn't know you by name!
JO said…
LOL MEH. Treat 'em and street 'em huh! I am usually there - and prefer the no copays...except when there is true screaming and a coach who said "his knee did something that knees aren't supposed to do...go completely sideways! Sigh. He thinks he is going to be wrestling on Saturday in sectional....I think he is going to be rolled up in bubble wrap and sitting on a couch in a padded room! (But the MD has the final say on Friday!). Actually..the one thing that "sicked" me out totally? Watching the knee cap slide back into place in the ER...while waiting for the doc to come in the room! I about lost it....until I saw the kid feel instantly much better!
DF said…
I will go with 18 copays. I am optimistic.

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