
Saturday dawned early with lots to do! First up...wrestling regionals to root on one of the cadets. You know...being the Team Mom and all means no matter where the team does their "Mom" - and their team Mascot - the Wook-in-Nator!

Luckily, Capt Oz was off work for the weekend, so I got to have him with me for the drive over to the regional competition (about 4 miles from my office), as well as help me keep the Wookie occupied during the wrestling matches.

Sadly, our wrestler was knocked out in the first round after a truly strong effort. He came up against a strong opponent but was not pinned, so good for him! (Way to go JJ!)

It also meant that we got to see the cadet for a little while on Saturday Morning!
Not that his brother was too thrilled about it, can you tell?

Just kidding. He really does love him...and Princess Grace loves the King too!

Then Princess grace snagged the camera to prove that Mrs. Oz was enjoying the time with the Wookie too...

Post wrestling, Capt Oz, the wookie and I were off to multitudes of stores in an effort to find a (heads up, technical term coming here) thingie that would allow us to extend our satellite to the Barrack's lounge for the boys to be able to watch the upcoming Superbowl. Five stores later, we found just the thingie...hey did you know if you are looking for these thingies..Radio Shack is a good thing?

Saturday evening found one Wookie with a sleepover on tap. Where might the sleepover be? Well...with the boys of Echo of course! The Other Capt O (Tac Officer for Echo) invited the wook to spend the night! Wow huh! I heard tell that the wookie spent most of his evening (until 10:30!) running around Delta Square (his Uncle Ty is raising his eyebrow right about now and saying " that advisable??!" Hey Uncle Ty, that is where you meet up with the girls of Alpha dontcha know!), then playing video games with his "best fends" until 11:30 or so. CQ was called (confined to quarters...comes just before Taps!), and the Wook and his favorite brother headed off to bed! Gotta give a special shout out to the Grace's roommate..who allowed the Wookie to sleep with the overhead light on! From the reports we received Sunday morning, the King had a ball, the cadets had a ball..and all was good!
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