Over at Casa de Duckfeet

Early in March, my big sis made a very strong argument that she wanted a timeout..just like she gives her girls. Yesterday, whilst randomly surfing the net, I found the perfect place for just such a timeout for her. In fact, I just might join her (if I can stomach the $300 per night rate!). Take a look....you just might want a timeout here too! And I am betting she will be staying in room 500.001 (although you just might find her timing out in room 500.006)

The perfect spot for my sister's timeout.


Carol P. said…
Hah! I love it! Except that it's in a city, and I don't relax well in a city. I'm more of a rustic-vacation person. But I could hole up with a few books for a couple of days I suppose.

Especially ones that don't come in chunklets that I can read outside of rec center rooms, waiting for dancers and gymnasts....

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