Signs O' Spring!

There are many signs o'spring in our new northern clime. The temps this week are in the upper 40's and lower 50's. The King and I noted there are now foals and calves in the fields that we pass on our way home - the foals standing on very splayed and shaky legs to prove that they are newbies in this "brave new world". (With the time change) There is actual prolonged daylight when I get home from work in the evenings. The kids in the barracks are going stir-crazy from being cooped up so long, and the typical offenses that occur in any household no matter what the size are occurring more rapidly ("He looked at me"). Oh, and the Cadet is home with Strep Throat and a major fever (C'mon Z-pac, get to work!).

Ahhhhhh Spring is in the Air!


meh said…
Z-pak - that means a doctor visit! C'mon how close am I coming to mid-March yet...
Seriously, I hope the Cadet feels better. Strep su*** as my kids would say...

And near 60 degrees here today with bulbs ready to blume. I am soooo ready for spring, even summer. I love HEAT.
Carol P. said…
And we were in the upper 40s here, cool and raining, with occasional hail. Oregon spring is a wonderful thing that lasts off and on until early July!

Hope the Cadet bounces back quickly.

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