The King's First Game

For posterity's sake, I thought you would enjoy (and I would be able to remember!) pics of the King's first soccer game. Yup - I am now the official soccer mom to two soccer players. I am feeling very MEH like! (LOL!). And like a typical soccer mom - the King was playing at 9:30 about 15 minutes away, and the cadet is playing at 11:00 - two hours away - so no luck on Mom catching both games. (It saves me the drive though - LOL!)

Here is the King getting agressive with one of his team mates to break the ball out- yup - bunch ball at its finest!

Nice form on the kick in King!

Another Kick in - Way to bend those knees King!

And of course - when sitting out for a quarter, ya gotta sit with your teammates and check out what is the upcoming snack - and ham for the camera with Mom too!

Good job on your first game King!
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