Back to the Routine!

Tomorrow brings us back to the routine of "normal life". At 5:45 I will be out the door with the King winging our way 34 miles to the west for a typical Monday. Capt. Oz will be back on duty at the same time out in the barracks, as the boys have returned en masse, and the Cadet will be back in the classroom.

Over the course of the past two weeks, the boys have enjoyed their time in Toledo, at home and the like - and all three are on each other's nerves. As for me, I have "worked" only 4 days in two weeks (if you don't count the work that I did yesterday and today relative to inventory!!), and have enjoyed the ability to accomplish a few things at home - yet typically, I didn't get as much accomplished as I wanted to! (My living room is STILL a mess - but whatever!).

I guess it is good to know that I am not the only one in this boat - across the world, folks are returning to their normal post-holiday routine. So it all begins again - sometimes feeling like ad-infinitum!

Enjoy your "back to routine" routine!

Oh, and I am still on track with the ol new years resolution. Managed to put that one thing on the list, and acocmplish it today - just not interested in sharing it "publicly". T'was a good thing though - and well worth the two hours it took to accomplish! Whoo hoo! 361 more to do items to get done!


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