"Feeeed the Worldddd..."

This weekend I have a laundry list of to do items (including laundry), so am getting an early start on this fine Saturday morning! Late January/early February always brings a rash of school related activities that I am "mom" for - and the last weekend in January this year is no exception.

Am heading out the door to the store to pick up a final few things, before heading off to Wrestling sectionals with the HMS boys. Part Uno of "feeding the world". See, me, as a mom, always put myself on point to ensure that these boys - oh so far away from their homes - have good home cooked food at their wrestling matches. Given that this is Sectionals, tis even more important.

(Side note, the Cadet may or may not wrestle today - he is battling a lovely course of ringworm and staph - COMBINED, and is on heavy duty antibiotics and antifungals. This is typical for wrestlers - at least the ringworm part is - and he seems to be a carrier of Staph - so it is just another day in paradise in the ol' Oz household! HIs ability to wrestle will be dependent upon the medical staff at Sectionals - he has a clearance from his doc, but they can choose to override - personally, he will be happy either way, as he wants to wrestle, but also understands how dangerous the Staph portion of his problem is!).

Post sectionals, I will head back to the Grocery store to stock up for feeding the world - part deux. That is the Oz's second annual Super Bowl Party for the boys in M Company. Mummy Dogs (last year they ate 300 of them), Meatballs, and other tasty Super Bowl food is on the menu. But that means shopping for it all TODAY! Sigh.

Wrap all of that feeding frenzy today and tomorrow up with me (gulp) taking down the Christmas Tree and Christmas Decorations, doing laundry, and the usual errands that make a weekend, and we have a busy one on tap. Of course, as usual, I will come out the other side just fine - just tired!!!


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