Greetings from Senior Prank Day

Yeah - the Seniors decided to have a little fun last night on Senior Prank night. Last year, they were kind enough to leave the Oz Family alone - this crew decided we needed to be in on the joke a little more! Here are the family vehicles. ALL FOUR OF THEM (note the Kings Little Tykes Police Car is in there too). All saran wrapped together like one little happy family. Awww.

Word has it that a Senior or Two also spent part of the evening riding around on the King's little tyks green tractor. Glad they had fun with it!

Glad this isnt our trampoline. Although the King and the Cadet both offered to go up there and jump on it. (Gives a whole new meaning to "go jump off a roof huh!)

Here is a closeup of shoes on Senior Circle. The seniors absconded with the entire Corps shoes and completely ringed the circle with them. Very Cute.

Is nothing Sacred? Nope. But it is funny though. This is a statue of Mr. Herrick - the schools largest benefactor. Even he got into the act with a drill sargeant's hat, rey mysterio mask, and pink bikini!

Good job HMS Class of 2009. Looks like you had some fun and enjoyed your prankish evening.
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