A little bit of random goes a long way huh!

Had a few things to "blog", but didn't manage to sit down at the computer to make it happen. Isn't that typical for a mom??

So here goes!

Heard from the King upon tripping on the grass and falling down:

OH NO! My KNEE is dislocated! It's DISLOCATED. (Yeah -too much time around the big bother huh!)

Being a single mom ain't no fun sometimes
Captain Oz again is out at Summer Camp. Back to being a summertime single mom 5 days a week. Fun. Yeah. Did that convince you??

Culinary Adventures
Tonight, I pulled together a quite tasty dinner. And this time, it was a no recipe dinner to boot! Made creamy pesto chicken gnocchi and tortellini with bacon and pine nuts. Wow. Very rich, very tasty, and now in my repertoire per Captain Oz's request. (Today is his day off).

Despite the Economy someone got a job
The cadet is now gainfully employed! In fact, he got a job TODAY - on his birthday! He is now a member of the KMart Family and will be serving as a Cashier to start. Training happens next week - yay for him!

And that about sums it up! What's random in your life??


Anonymous said…
Joyce, this is Jennifer H (from the old Schwartz days before I moved back to NC). That recipe sounds awesome, I want it (I know you said it was a no recipe meal, but I need to at least know where to start from). E-me at msjhord@yahoo.com

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