Okay...seriously...when did that happen?

(I started this two-weeks ago on a Sunday morning, and never managed to finish it.  I can't tell you how inspiring this Kid can be sometimes!!)

I was sitting with the Cadet this morning before he wandered off to church reviewing some future plan stuff with him.  Wait.  Strike that.  Let me rephrase.  I was sitting with the Cadet this morning and was thoroughly amazed at how he has his life mapped out for the future. Even recognizing that he is "only 17",  I certainly think I could learn a thing or two from him.

He was reviewing information from St. Gregory's Abbey in lower Michigan, and filling me in on the details of his Summer 2010 plans.

First up, a trip to see old friends in Louisville - post graduation.  Then work for a few weeks at the Mart of K, before getting ready to head up to the Abbey for the Month of July to be a "Summer Monk".  What you ask?  Am I kidding?  I absolutely am not.

Post summer monk-ing, he will head back and attend Manchester College - Financial Aid willing - where he will study Chemistry and German, with a minor in Secondary Education.  During this process, he plans to seek discernment and diaconate studies through the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana.

Post Undergrad (you know, in like four years, because Manchester College guarantees if you do the work required for four years, you will graduate or they will pay the remainder until you do get er done!), the Cadet (and if all goes according to his plan right now) now Deacon will attend either Duke, or the University of the South to obtain his Masters in Theology and Seminary and become Princess Cadet Teacher Deacon Father Oz, Episcopal Priest.  Ready to take on the World, both Secular and Religious in Teaching by day, and ministering to his flock along the way.

Talk about a jaw dropper for his mother and father.  (No, not the whole "not Catholic" thing-grin)  He broached the subject of hearing a Calling around a month and a half ago, and to each of our questions to him, had a well thought-out answer.  His excitement over his future is palpable.  His understanding of what he needs to do to get there is sound.  His steps towards this path are, well, seemingly sure-footed.  We always told him "You can be whatever you wish to be Son".  He responded by making plans far larger than we could have ever thought.

Who is this young man that calls me "May-May"; who calls Capt Oz "Daddyio".  Where did he get such a sense of self?  How did he get such an incredibly beautiful heart for Service - sweet and kind, yet wrapped up in the seventeen year old wonkyness of being a teenage boy and all that entails?!

Impressive plans Cadet, impressive plans.    Accomplish 1/4 of them and the world will be your Oyster..accomplish them all and Heaven is the limit.


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