A special thanks...

I was truly honored to have a guest comment on a post below (http://merrylandofoz.blogspot.com/2008/09/to-go-along-with-definition-of-veteran.html) by Staff Sgt. Rodger's sister Rachel Wiard.

I would like her and her family to know that this day was very special to the Cadets, and each of them, from the 5th grade through the 12th grade, knew and understood the reason they were bestowing a final honor upon your brother. (In fact, the Battalion Commander of the Cadets was extremely ill with a high fever in the infirmary that day and he demanded that he receive a razor to shave and clean clothes so that he could exit the infirmary to stand in salute of this fine young soldier and your family as you passed).

Rachel, from not only the Howe Military School family, but more importantly from my own family (where we have a brother who has seen 2 extended Iraqi tours of duty with the 1st Cav out of Fort Hood), our hearts, prayers and love go out to you, your Mom, your entire family and Kris' Wife and Son during this most difficult time. He paid a price that many would find too dear, and he did it with grace and honor. Thank you for your family's sacrifice to this great nation - for giving us your family's Hero so that our families can be safe.


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