It's Official!

(Ravel's Bolero anyone?)

I'm mold..I'm really old...I'm told...I'm old....I'm really mold, I'm old...I'm really old.....IT's TRUE...Da da da da da da.

BUT...I will have to say..that I will never be as old as DF, RF, CP, MEH, etc.....who are all wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy older than me. (Okay...maybe MEH isn't wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, but she is wayyy....tee hee!)


Carol P. said…
Hippo Birdy! Hope it's a good one and you don't hyperventilate trying to blow out all those candles. Why, I think I can see the glow from here!
DF said…
C could see them before sunrise, but we have to wait for the glow until after dark this evening. Happy Birthday
Anonymous said…
Happy Bday Doyce!

- rjadjr
meh said…
Hey - I resemble that remark!

Welcome to the old as dirt club - not to be confused with the "older than dirt" club to which our much older siblings belong...

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