Random Musings

Tis time for more random musings and news reports. Very little cohesion between them....just random garbage from the mind of Mrs. Oz!

Under the Title of News
  • The Cadet is undergoing a whole battery of medical appointments and tests while he is home. Poor kid. So far he has seen an ENT (he has enlarged tonsils and adenoids that may need to come out in the next week or so), and a Pulmonologist for a sleep study (the tonsils and adenoids may be causing sleep apnea...and if they are..that is what will cause them to come out). In fact, as I write this, he and Mr. Oz have yet to return this morning from the sleep study last evening. YEA! One medical procedure I didn't have to do! (Thanks Mr. Oz!). Today's appt? Ped. Endocrine to check hormone levels. The upside to all of this? We have determined through the appt with the pulmonologist, that the kid has grown 2.25 inches since August! YEA CADET!
  • The Cadet managed to strike up a great conversation with a Girl from the hockey team he played in Dayton last night. Oh to be 14 again....."Hey Hockey Hottie...whatcha doin?".
  • The King is eagerly anticipating Christmas! When asked what he wants for Christmas...his standard answer is "A camera, a bike and a monkey". Okay little dude....one outta three ain't bad.

Random Musings

  • The Cadet never fails to crack me up. Seriously. If he wants to make me laugh, he is quick to tell me that the Battalion Commander at school is afraid of him. (The BC is a great kid...very nice, very smart, and will be very successful). How does the cadet figure the BC is afraid of him?

    "Mom. I told him to meet me at the flagpole at 3:00 p.m. to "fight", and he never showed up. He's afraid of me".

    I lose it every time he says that. Yea Cadet, the BC is afraid of you. (Oh, and the Cadet truly likes his BC....no "fight" is ever planned!)
  • Under the "Missed Opportunites" Guise - I was driving to work the other morning and saw a "normal" situation in today's day and age. A suburban mom was driving down the road in her Expedition, chatting merrily away on her cell phone. In the middle seat, was a toddler watching a DVD on the headrest on the back of the driver's seat. In the "way back" seat (you know, the one with its own zip code?)...was a child about 8 or 9, playing Playstation Portable. They weren't on a trip, they pulled into the Kroger parking lot. Funny, this Mom probably is quick to tell her friends that she doesn't get enough time with the kids...or they never "connect" with each other since there is "so much to do". Hey Suburban mom...you missed a prime opportunity. I may only have my kids in the car for 20 minutes, but we connect and chat in those 20 minutes. Turn off the cell phone, turn off the DVD player, put away the Playstation Portable....and actually talk to your kids.

Have a great Wednesday!


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