Spring "Break" Continues

So last week....master King hurt his arm right? And the doctor declared it fine right? Except it still was bothering him, and he still was favoring it (when he wasn't playing outside with his brother). But...because the doctor indicated that he was to see an Ortho if it still hurt after several days..this morning the King was off to see the Pediatric Ortho (The Cadet already had an ortho...one of the best in sports injuries in the area).

The verdict? Well.....
A buckle fracture of the distal radius. (Boy...2007 is ensuring that my medical terminology classes at Seton Hill are coming in handy). The Ped. Ortho viewed the x-ray from last week and said "see..it is right there"..so HE could see it. Of course...supposedly buckle fractures are hard to see on little ones if you don't see them fairly regularly. So...the 2 year old picked Orange for his cast....and I am picking a nice....soft..baby blue for my padded room at the facility. Oh....and so you don't have to google "buckle fracture of the distal radius"...he broke his wrist.
Four weeks for him...four weeks for the Cadet...and I am hoping outpatient visits for me at the facility after a nice...long...rest.


Carol P. said…
At least the king looks happier about the whole thing than the cadet did...

Hang in there, only 9 months to go!
JO said…
The sad part is...he doesn't understand (he looked at the Cadet yesterday after nap and said "H..I can't get this off). The funny part is....it really (so far) isn't bothering him at all. He just goes on about his "business" ...and BUSY-ness!

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