Better late than never I always say......

I left the camera in the car for the past few weeks. It wasn't intentional, I had taken it to the Fall Sports Banquet where the Cadet received his 10th Varsity Letter (didn't manage to get any good pics of it because of the lighting), and the camera never managed to make it back into the house.
Given the need for a few cute costume pics of the King, the camera finally made its return to the house. Of course, when I put the memory card into the computer, it reminded me that I had other pictures on the card that I meant to share - and never did. But like the title says "better late than never" huh!

So....I bring you two Founder's Day pictures and a Bday pic of me! Yeah - I knew you couldn't live without them!

Here is the cadet and his date for Founders Day. You might remember her from his date for Mother's Day? Yup, same one. They are awesome friends from a long long time ago.

Sorry for the photo quality on this one, it was too dark to take without flash, and too far away to take WITH flash. Here is the Cadet, ready to enter the Iron Guard walk as a Senior. For those who don't know what an Iron Guard walk is, it is where the Cadets (or active soldiers for the Military) salute via a sword arch. The Seniors at the School start their senior year celebrations at Founders Day by being announced, coming through the iron guard, and shaking the Superintendant's Hand. At the end of the year (Mother's Day Ball), they will again do an Iron
Guard walk, this time with their Mom, and receive their Senior Blanket. Pretty Cool tradition.

And finally, a none too flattering pic of me on my Birthday with my most tasty cake! Why do I say none-too-flattering? Because, well, I personally think I look freakin old. But I guess that is what 43 is...and the camera doesn't lie right?! RIGHT!

So....focus if you will on the cake. I had been hankering for a special cake this year, and began priming the littlest ozlander early in the month of October. "Mommy wants a white cake with Raspberry Filling and Vanilla Buttercream for her birthday". I would say this every day to him, and remind him to tell his Daddy. Finally, his Daddy asked me "where the heck can I get one of those around here". I of course obliged him with the name of a bakery. Like the wonderful hubby that he is....he went, ordered it, and picked it up. It was absolutely AWESOME! Just what I wanted...very tasty...and very much appreciated.

And that, my friends and family, catches you up for last month! Here's hoping this month is more bloggy-filled!


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